Saturday, 24 July 2010


This first post I'd like to dedicate to my best friend, my sister, probably my soul mate. She has a blog of her own (you'll find it here). It is absolutely brilliant (if at times rather melancholic) and it often inspires me to write as well. Actually, she is the kind of person that I wish to become someday. She's just one of those people, you know, that are naturally strong. She has problems, she stumbles often through life, sometimes she even falls, but she rises again, stronger and wiser and struggles to be happier. And through all that, she remains the best friend I could hope for. Not to mention that - completely on her own merit - she went through school, university and is on the verge of getting her masters degree all while working a regular job that takes most of her day (from early morning to late night!)

By comparison, I can't help but find myself lacking... I am the same age as her and never had a serious job (just some 1-year-long internships) and am still trying to finish university. I'm dependent on my parents and still live with my mother. I've never fallen in love, never took a chance, never tried to make a friend that hadn't came to me before...

All I can do is look at her and try harder.